Publications and Projects

Publication in the Südosteuropamitteilungen

Sexualized Violence as a Weapon in the Bosnia War and Today – Societal Causes and Political Approaches to Solutions The article can be found in German HERE Abstract During the first year of war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, reports about the systematic sexual abuse and rape of Muslim-Bosnian women and girls by Serbian soldiers became …

Publications and Projects

Commentary: “Feminist Foreign Policy: A Way Forward in a Crisis- and Conflict-Ridden Environment”

I was invited by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation to contribute to their dossier on Feminist Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus in cooperation with their Tbilisi Office. My article can be found HERE. Abstract This article argues that the notion of gender equality is crucial to creating peace and triggering transformation in political stalemates (and violent conflict). Feminist foreign policy is often …

Crafty,My Blog

CELESTIAL CELEBRATIONS or my first fully me-made party look

Sometimes, a creative vision turns out exactly the way I intend to, even if it involves many first times and/or experiments.  This summer, I had been invited to a themed wedding, how exciting! Ever since I started sewing I have been waiting for theme party invites, because who doesn’t love a fancy dress-up, especially with …

Crafty,My Blog

Sustainable knitting: Crowd Farming Yarn from Spain

Sustainable and ethical fashion is very close to my heart and I always try to contribute my parts against exploitation and waste in/ through the fashion industry. In recent years, I have educated myself, joined campaigns by the Fashion Revolution Movement and try to inspire others to rethink their relation with fashion, too. With my …

Publications and Projects

Admission into the PhD scholarship programme of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation

After months of (financial) uncertainty, I am happy and proud to have been admitted into the PhD scholarship programme of the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES), associated with the Socialdemocrat Party in Germany. FES already funded my BA and MA studies and enabled the unique experiences I could make. My personal and professional development would not have been …

Crafty,My Blog

Creating a conscious wardrobe. Here’s what I did.

As a young woman in my early twenties fashion had many meanings for me. I felt as if I could purchase a sense of belonging. As if this or that piece of clothing could contribute to my identity which relied on the misconception that other’s perception would shape that identity. Clothing made me feel safe, …

Publications and Projects

New Publication on Feminist Foreign Policy: A cooperation between WILPF Germany and the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation

Together with my WILPF* colleagues Victoria Scheyer, Dilek Gürsel und Jess Cheung and funded by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Germany I had the chance to contribute to an exciting publication: „Practicing Feminist Foreign Policy in the Everyday: A Toolkit“ I don’t think it’s too optimistic to say that we are experiencing a momentum for a more feminist …

Publications and Projects

New Policy Paper: European Supply Chains & Western Balkans

Time to Move to the Western Balkans. How the Diversification of global supply chains can benefit EU resilience Together with Zoran Nechev, Head of the Centre for European Integration at the Institute for Democracy – Societas Civilis Skopje (North Macedonia) I recently published the analysis and policy brief: Time to move to the Western Balkans: How …